Pick Yourself Up Off The Floor: Surviving Infidelity
When you have been a victimized by someone else's actions and especially when that someone is the person that promised to love you compl

You've Been Cheated On: Now Stop Lying To Yourself
It's my guess that if you are dealing with a spouse or partner's infidelity that you are probably telling yourself one, if not all o

Health, Fitness and Taking Out My Mental Trash
I didn't diet, I just decided who I wanted to be and everything else fell in place. I still indulged because I decided that I was the he

Why I Chose to Spend Thanksgiving Alone
Self love and taking time for yourself is never wrong. Taking time to heal in whatever way you need is never wrong. It is never selfish, in

Full Circle, Adele and Post-Italy Hangover
irst, I want to talk about an incredible full circle moment I had and the reality of this post-Italy hangover. When I
was at a low point in

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go.
I don’t know what the next eleven days has in store for me, but one thing I do know is that I am going to soak every bit of it in; the momen

The Pivot: Moving Forward After My Husband's Affair
I am here telling my story, because there is hope. And if you are feeling stuck and in need of a pivot, please know that the pivot won’t be

Fight, Flight or Freeze
It's hard to pinpoint exactly when I lost myself, but I'm pretty sure I know how I lost myself and I feel like knowing how we got to a...

Owning My Truth
Why share? Why air your “dirty laundry” you may say? Well…I have no intention of airing my dirty laundry per say, but instead, owning my tru

3 Reasons You Might Be Failing at "New Year, New You"
These things have helped me not loathe goal setting and resolution making like I did when I was a kid, but that doesn't mean that I don&